Oakwood is currently undergoing a process of assessment and discernment regarding our pastor vacancy and “what’s next?” for this church. We are being coached by Pastor Pete Byma through The Legacy Project from The Center for Church Renewal.

Rev. Larry Lobdell will be our interim pastor during these 6-9 months, and will begin preaching on Sunday September 1. See his letter of introduction below!

My name is Larry Lobdell, and I am an ordained minister in the CRC.  Your Council has invited me to be your interim pastor for 6-9 months during a discernment process about the future ministry of Oakwood Church.  I look forward to this opportunity and to working with your coach Rev. Pete Byma. 

As far back as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by electricity so after high school I went to U of M to study electronic engineering.  After a year there I chose not to continue and over the next 7 years worked several jobs on assembly lines, and then as a draftsman/designer in electrical power distribution.

I became a follower of Jesus at age 25 and attended Reformed Bible College (now Kuyper) and Calvin Seminary, graduating in 1984.  During that time I married my lovely wife Linda DeVries. My first call was as a missionary to Nigeria where I taught at the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria.  While there I took a leave of absence to study Leadership at Fuller Seminary in CA.  I then accepted a call to serve as pastor of the Harrison CRC in SD, followed by serving at Coopersville CRC in MI.  I took another leave to study Church Renewal and Church Planting at Calvin Seminary, followed by serving as pastor of Orangewood CRC in Phoenix, AZ.   

Since retiring I have served on the Renewal Team at my former home church, have spent two summers as volunteers in The Badlands, SD with A Christian Ministry In The National Parks, and we have served as interim pastor in Binghamton, NY, Zillah, WA, Edgerton, MN, and Chandler, MN, and now God has led us to serve at Oakwood.

Lin and I have three grown children and 6 grandchildren, all of whom live in the Grand Rapids area. Please feel welcome to share with us any questions or comments you may have.