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Thank you! 
Oakwood Family, we have been thrust into a season of transition.  God’s call on Jen and I and your recognition of that call has come at a cost to you.   Jen and I recognize that we are not the only ones who have entered into the unknown. Our departure puts that unknown on you, some caught quite unawares.  Yet, you graciously sent us off with a delicious meal, heartfelt songs on the harmonica, and a sung blessing.  Thank you! 
We are praying for you as you now are called to listen closely to the leading of the Lord. We are praying that you will experience His peace in your minds, His love in your hearts, His light on your path.  We pray that you will stand firm, recognizing that in this season it would be easy for discouragement and discord to heighten.  We know God is inviting us into different ministry spaces, and therefore the enemy is threatened and will attack.  Be on your guard!  We pray for your faith to endure the hardship and trial.  We pray you’ll find strength and resilience that you can only attribute to the outstretched arm of God.  We pray you will keep “moving further up and further in” to God’s Kingdom, to borrow a line from C.S. Lewis.
You have been commissioned as Christ’s disciples.  You have a role in His unstoppable Kingdom, and we are so grateful for the time we had to be molded and shaped alongside you for our different roles. We pray God will continue the good work He has begun in you as you seek Him, and follow where He leads.  What a joy to know that God has invited you into this season having readied and prepared you for it!   
Remember the words of blessing from Romans 15:13, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 
That hope is a hope that unites across every barrier and every division real or imagined… whether the truth or a lie from Satan… Hope in Christ Jesus cannot be bound.  Christ is our hope.  Oakwood, Christ is your hope.  We are called to different places.  We are stepping into different seasons.  But we are united in the hope of Christ Jesus - always have been - always will be. Hope is the unstoppable quality of the Kingdom… the power of God at work in us because of Jesus. May hope abound in you, Oakwood family, as you again find that God is faithful. 
As we all step into a new season, we simply want to say:  Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the work of the Gospel in Belding and beyond, and may God empower you to continue the good work He’s called you to.
Love ya! 
Pastor Kevin, Jen, Zane, Matteo, Kezia and Esther