For our school-aged and adult ministries (Cadets, GEMS, Lifeline, Bible Studies, and O-90 Groups) that choose to use Oakwood's facilities, there are precautions that must be taken that fall in line with what we are asking our congregation to do for Sundays:
- Disinfect classrooms and anything that gets used before and after use. (Clean and dirty writing utensils etc...). This cleaning falls on volunteers. Cans of spray or a fogger will be made available.
- Hand sanitizer should be used by participants as they enter, and obviously after blowing noses, bathroom breaks, etc. Scrub in and scrub out of the room you are meeting in.
- Utilize social distancing. Mask in and mask out and mask when unable to be distant.
- No food or drink.
- Children must be fever free w/o meds for 48 hours before coming. We reserve the right to temperature check attendees.
- Use the STOP Symptoms Questionnaire (see below).
- No use of preschool areas.
- Attendance must be taken that we might be able to contact everyone in the event of an on campus exposure - Name, Address, Phone, and Email.
- Encourage use of outdoors as much as possible.
Approved by Oakwood Council September, 2020