May God bless us as we seek to build on our firm foundation.
As we read God's word together apart, here's our prayer:
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we pray, that we might be grounded and settled in your truth by the coming of your Holy Spirit into our hearts. What we do not know, reveal to us; what is lacking within us, make complete; that which we do know, confirm in us; and keep us blameless in your service, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please read the passage each day, and answer the question either in your own mind, discuss with your family, write in a journal, post a comment below, email RevKev, etc.
Monday, June 8 - Romans 6:4,11-14 - We are dying and rising in Christ. Each one of us is like one of those home improvement shows. God takes a fixer upper and makes it like Christ! Thank God for the work of Jesus and the Spirit in our lives today!
Tuesday, June 9 - Acts 2: 38 - Here's the key to the renovating work of the Holy Spirit. We receive the salvation of Jesus Christ and change direction. It's the direction change, the surrender to God that opens us up to see where the sin is in us that must still be put to death. How do we partner with the Holy Spirit? We surrender.
Wednesday, June 10 - Ruth 1: 11-18 - What might motivate Ruth to stay with Naomi, despite the overwhelming argument on Naomi's part to just stay home? What role does obedience to the Spirit of God play in our lives?
Thursday, June 11 - Isaiah 35 - This hope we have does not disappoint us. We know how God has worked His salvation through Jesus Christ. We experience the work of the Spirit in giving us faith and so much more... as sorrow and sighing flee away.
Friday, June 12 - Revelation 7:9-17 - The road we are on leads somewhere! There's an end... a good end!... God's great work of redemption culminates at His throne rejoicing in new life... such as we can not even imagine. What a hope! What a joy!